How to Track the Results of Your Remarketing Campaigns

your remarketing campaigns

Remarketing is a powerful tool for businesses to re-engage with potential customers who have been previously interested in their products and services. It allows for targeting and advertising those individuals who have interacted with the businesses, app or website or in any way have engaged with the brand.

Running a remarketing campaign successfully requires not just targeting the right audience, but it’s also important that the campaign has been tracked and measured correctly to find the best results.

Why it is important to track the remarketing campaigns?

But before we get into this, let us first understand why the tracking results of the remarketing campaigns are considered so important.

Performance evaluation 

Tracking remarketing campaigns allows to check the effectiveness of the remarketing efforts. It helps to determine if the campaigns are meeting the appropriate goals or if any adjustments are required.


Detailed tracking data of these campaigns provide insights into what exactly is working and what needs to be tweaked. With this information, marketers can optimise their campaign, make necessary changes to improve the performance and get the best results out of it.

Budget allocation

Tracking the remarketing campaigns helps to allocate the advertising budget in a proper and wise manner. It helps to identify strategies that are generating the best results for the remarketing campaign and allocate the resources accordingly.

Audience insights

Tracking the remarketing campaigns allows to attain a deeper understanding of how the audience behaves in a particular campaign. This can help to understand the patterns and preferences of the audience which can further add to future remarketing strategies.

Tracking metrics that must be considered for remarketing campaigns

The following key metrics should be monitored to evaluate any remarketing campaign.

Click through rate

CTR measures the percentage of people who saw the ad and clicked it. A higher CTR indicates that people are responding well to the ad and can resonate with it.

Conversion rate

The conversion rate tells how many visitors we have re-engaged with completed the desired action such as making the purchase or signing up for the product.

Cost per click (also called CPC)

It indicates how much a business needs to pay to get a click on the remarketing ad. It is important to keep a check on CPC as it helps to ensure a good return on investment.

Return on ad spend

It measures the revenue generated for every bank spent on advertising. It is an important metric to assess the profitability of a remarketing campaign.

Ad position

The position of the remarketing ad significantly impacts its performance, so it is important to make sure the ad appears on an optimised platform placement.


By monitoring this metric, marketers can find out the reach of their remarketing campaigns. The number of times the ad is displayed to the audience is what impressions mean.


Frequency is the measure which shows how many times an ad has been shown to the same user within a specific time frame. It is advisable not to show a high frequency of Ads to avoid ad fatigue and not to maintain a low frequency as it can impact the required exposure.

Bounce rate

The bounce rate indicates the percentage of users who just leave the website or an app after clicking on the re-marketing ad. This section of user do not interact further. Hence, it is recommended to avoid a high bounce rate.

Ad engagement tracking 

The interactions with the ad can be through video views, social shares or comments and are important to see how the audience engages and what is their interest.

How to track the marketing campaigns effectively?

Let’s discuss how to check the results of the re-marketing campaigns effectively:

  • First, before launching any remarketing campaign, make sure you have clear and defined goals. Are you looking to increase website, traffic, boost, sales, or promote your product? Make sure your objectives are well defined because it will guide you.
  • Making the use of tools like Google Analytics and advertising platforms like Google ads and Facebook Ads Manager to gain a comprehensive insight into the performance of remarketing campaigns, audience, behaviour and conversion data would be a good choice and find out what works the best.
  • Setting up conversion tracking on the app or website can be done to get the accurate number of convergence. This involves placing the tracking code on the key pages to monitor user access.
  • Segmenting the audience based on their interest, behaviour and engagement level allows to show your ads and send messages to a specific group to increase the chances of conversion.
  • Don’t forget to adjust marketing campaigns based on the data analysis. This might include changing the targeting audience of ad copy, and bidding strategies.
  • Use UTM para metres to add you are else which can track the source of the traffic accurately. It will also help you to determine which marketing channels drive the best conversion and which need some extra dish tension.
  • Invest in the best PPC remarketing services to help you with the right strategies and tricks that can further improve the return from the re-marketing campaigns.

Final Thoughts

The remarketing campaigns can be a powerful digital marketing strategy that can help to re-engage with the potential customers and boost the conversion rates.

However, the success of the remarketing campaigns rests on the ability to effectively track and measure the results.

By setting clear goals using the right tools, monitoring key metrics and taking help from any good PPC service provider for remarketing can further optimise your goal to achieve the best ROI. 

Remember that tracking is an ongoing process and continuous analysis and adjustment are the key to staying ahead for remarketing of your product or services.