January 25, 2025

The Ultimate Guide to Write Unique Content for Your Blog

plagiarism checker

Creating a blog post is a great way to open up about your favorite topics, showcase your expertise and build up a vast community having the same interests as you.

Some people start a personal blog because of their interest in writing while other start doing it for the sake of their business growth. No matter why you start, creating and delivering original and unique ideas to the internet world is important.

That said, creating an original piece from scratch takes practice. Well, in this A to Z guide, you will get to know some simple tips and tricks to compose an exceptional blog post. 

By the time you complete reading this guide, it will be clear to you what strategies to apply for creating a strong blog post that will stand out among other posts, grab readers’ attention and make them literally wait for your next blog post. So, let’s get started. 

Choose trending blog topics 

Whenever you sit down to write something for your blog, the first and foremost step is choosing a blog topic. 

You need to identify trending topics and write something unique that readers won’t find anywhere else on the web. 

Creating a unique blog post starts with choosing an original topic that will bring value to your audience. Line up their interests in your niche and research on hot topics that people are searching for.

Here are some easy ways to jot down sparky new topics for your blog post. 

  • Browse trendy topics in your niche by simply exploring what your competitors are writing on. 
  • Use some online tools to choose hot topics such as Google Trends. 
  • Explore some news and press releases in your niche. 
  • Visit some online learning websites to look for people’s interests.

Utilize these resources and choose interesting topics to work on. Stating again, the key rule to creating an exceptional blog is approaching trendy topics in unique ways.

Put Effort into Keyword Research

Keyword research is a second important key step to stick to. It plays a terrific role in defining your SEO practice as well. Inserting the relevant keywords to your post can take it to higher ranks on several search engines. 

Once you have decided on a trendy topic, it is time to figure out how well it will be succeeded on search engine result pages. How would you do that? The answer is pretty simple. By conducting proper in-depth keyword research.

Find what readers are concerned about and offer them their solutions. Here you can take help from some free online tools including Answer the Public, UbberSuggest, and Google Keyword Planner. 

These online services will offer great help in finding the most searched queries relevant to your post by the audience.

Create an Organized Outline 

Another takeaway after doing the keyword research is planning and creating an organized draft before starting writing. The topic and keywords have been decided, now make a rough draft for your blog posts. 

Start with creating an outline or sub headers. Make sure these sub headers are strong standing points as they will serve as the backbone of your blog post. 

These points will make writing easier for you as you will start writing into bite-sized sections after doing proper research about each heading. The end product will be much easier for the readers to read and digest. 

You can make it even more attention-grabbing by putting bullet points under sub headers to illustrate the important facts.

Write Compelling Content 

Now is the time to start typing. After drafting a rough sketch of your blog post, you will find writing much easier than ever before. 

Do not overlook the general rule of thumb for writing that we are following since our childhood: an introduction, the body text, and a concluding paragraph. 

Introduction: Curate the first few sentences in a way that engages your readers towards your posts. Make them curious by adding some relevant story, a quotation, or some general factual statistics. After that, enlighten them on what they are going to read in your blog post. This is a compelling way to keep readers interested and keep them going further. 

The body text: Carefully read your sub headers and try to write some compelling content in bullets points followed by shorter paragraphs. Make the body of your blog post informative and compelling. 

Writing lengthy body text of blog posts on the same topics repeatedly can be tiring sometimes. Here you can take some assistance from an online article rewriter tool, for example, articlerewriter.net. This tool will help you avoid fluff and repetition. 

The conclusion: It is a must-have part of any piece of writing. Make sure to provide a brief summary to readers that will provide them with the solution to their query.  It is best to tie up your extensive blog into a storytelling note to give it a perfect engaging end. 

Stylizing Your Blog Post

Many bloggers think that writing a complete blog post makes their job done. But actually, you need to put some extra effort to give it a complete finished look by adding some striking visuals. You need to choose some appealing blog post themes to attract your readers. 

Choose the blog theme with the right set of color tones that matches your blog niche. You can also make it look more tempting by using the same color for your blog logo. 

You can customize your own blog theme or by choosing any free blog template available on the internet. 

It all sums up in one line that captivating blog themes can transform your blog posts into something extraordinary exquisite and content-rich powerhouse.

Add High-Quality Relevant Images 

Similar to blog themes, adding a few relevant images can better elaborate your important ideas. It is a fact that people love images in blog posts. So, why not take advantage of it. 

Nothing could be better than inserting original photos relevant to your posts rather than using some random photos from Google. 

Check for plagiarism

When it comes to the originality of your content, a powerful plagiarism checker tool is important to check the uniqueness after writing your blog post. 

Not only does it ensure that your content is original and fresh but it also makes your blog post stand out on all search engines. 

Editpad.org plagiarism checker with powerful deep search technology helps you detect all types of duplication by scanning your blog through the billions of online resources.  

Reread and Make Final Edits 

Most bloggers overlook this vital step after finishing the blog post. Read your blog out loud and check for any grammatical mistakes, repetition, and other slang or unprofessional use of words. 

You can thoroughly pass it through a grammar checker to eliminate minor errors. 

Finding mistakes in your own writing is not easy, therefore it is also recommended that ask your friend or colleague to proofread your post for you. Once, everything is done, it is ready to publish.

To Conclude 

Every blogger, either is newbie or professional must understand that what is written under their name is permanently published out there on the internet and cannot be handed back. 

Admittedly, giving out plagiarized text or technically misleading facts is not worth racing to get a post published. 

This is the reason that bloggers are recommended to pay attention to the quality instead of the number of blog posts. 

Clearly, generating a significant number of poor-quality blog posts will not offer the blogger any credit. 

At the same time, a few excellent quality blog posts reflecting uniqueness and originality will generate more visitors.