15 Tricks to Improve the SEO of a Company

SEO strategy

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Improving the SEO of a company is more a matter of perseverance, strategy and highly valuable content.

Honestly, there are no shortcuts to achieve excellent positioning on the Internet overnight, or at least no type of strategy that can be carried out legally and that does not entail penalties from search engines, mainly Google.

Tips to improve the SEO of any brand.

The tips that we are going to share with you are not miraculous, they require a little work and perseverance on your part, in addition to setting appropriate goals and creating an excellent profile of your buyer persona. But we assure you that they are worth it, here we share them with you:

1. Knowing your users helps you improve SEO:

Absolutely everything in digital marketing starts with an excellent definition of your target audience or buyer persona. You must know who you are talking to in order to express yourself on their terms, answer their questions and use the most appropriate tone of voice.

Basically, if you don’t know what type of person you’re targeting, you won’t know what keywords to use, nor will you be able to create a social media plan, much less develop content that helps you generate a conversion funnel.

2. Original content:

Original content is perhaps the most obvious advice, yet there are still people who often paraphrase other websites or talk about the same 5 topics.

Original content gives you reputation, helps generate backlinks to your website, and is responsible for capturing leads. Also, if you match originality with user intent, you simply have a winning mix.

3. Plan everything to improve SEO:

To support point number 2, the ideal is to generate a content plan. That is, an editorial calendar that covers aspects such as tone of voice, objectives, CTAs, and even online advertising for your website.

The idea is to unify the message so that your brand maintains communicative coherence and really positions itself in the appropriate market segments (Yes, the buyer persona again).

4. Increase the residence time by improving SEO on-Page:

The duration of the visits is one of the critical kpis within web positioning, along with the bounce rate and the CTR of the links that give to your page from the search engines.

To increase the permanence of visitors on your website, you must provide quality content, take care of loading time optimization, have a user-friendly web design and place attractive content formats, such as videos or infographics.

5. Get the juice out of your blog:

By this we mean that you should get the most out of this tool, create great content, but also link to reputable websites, build relationships with other bloggers, invite them to participate and encourage your visitors to share the content. All this adds points to your web positioning.

6. Lean on Digital PR to improve the SEO of your brand:

Getting quality links for your website is a task of Digital PR, you must generate alliances, build good relationships and position your brand in the market.

To achieve this, do not focus only on digital, go to offline events, create a contact list and do a lot of networking. This is the easiest and fastest way to start growing with link building.

7. Use social media:

Your community manager should do a great job on social networks, we are not only talking about publishing content or curating it, but also evaluating potential influencers who can expand the reach of the brand or the interaction with the target audience.

8. Increase the accessibility of your content:

Web accessibility is a factor that is rarely discussed, but nevertheless, it is one of the details that will help improve the SEO of your page. For example, adding subtitles to videos or uploading their transcripts helps improve the user experience and therefore engagement.

9. Create joint initiatives that help you improve SEO:

We already talked about web alliances and a smart way to take advantage of them is to carry out joint initiatives, planning, for example, a webinar with experts from your sector (as long as you are among them).

It is an ideal way to improve the positioning of your brand and reach other audiences that would naturally be difficult to contact.

10. Do a lot of guest blogging:

Another way to reach new audiences, build links, and take advantage of contacts made, is to participate as a guest writer on another website. This will allow you to position your personal brand, attract traffic to your website and start to gain authority points in your sector, something that Google loves.

11. Project your brand:

Branded content, as well as storytelling, are very powerful techniques when it comes to improving the SEO strategy of your business, because they help improve the image of your brand in the digital market, project values and engage with the emotions of the audience.

12. Vary the format of the contents:

Do not fall in love with a particular format, remember that each communication channel with your audience has infinite value and that each type of content is ideal for a particular search intention. So, play with the formats and generate lead magnets in video, eBook, courses, white papers, etc.

13. Encourage audience participation:

Why do you think Wikipedia occupies the first places? Simple, because it is a content created by many people. Your website can be positioned thanks to the comments of your visitors, their questions in discussion forums. Be encouraged to turn some into ambassadors of your company.

14. Generate your own images:

One of the big changes that Google has made is the possibility of labeling images with your own licenses, this will not only position you in image search engines, it will also allow you to gain backlinks if your photograph or vector is representative of a topic whose graphic resources are scarce.

15. Think about the domain:

We’re not talking about deleting your existing domain, because you’ve already ranked with it. What we are talking about is maintaining consistency between the domain you write for and the content you create.

This advice matters even more when you are a guest writer, always generate information that is appropriate to the theme of the website.