SEO Trends 2021! Our face suddenly frowns when we hear SEO.
SEO is no kid’s job but, if done correctly it will help you rank on Google’s First Page. Whether you are trying to sell the products, increase visibility online, bring more web traffic, get more leads and more can be achieved through SEO.
SEO trends continuously change. To be on the top of your game you must be well-versed with these trends. Thus, implementing them can be easy. Hence more you practice the better the results are.
Furthermore, it is equally important to keep a tab on these ever-evolving SEO practices. Thus more you practice adopt these changes as soon as possible. So, let’s see what are the Top SEO Trends 2021 includes:
Keyword Search Is Going To Become Important
A recent survey suggested that 50% of the searches are lost.
This means, more than 50% of the clicks on the Google searches end without clicks, they are lost. This happens because majority of these results have inadequate SERP information. This include
- Google business listings
- Contact information
- Incomplete business profile
- No provisions for blog
- Featured snippets with answers
- Consumers are not able to get proper information thus leave the query without typing
Therefore, you must invest in SEO keyword research tools and practice On-page SEO. Given the importance to the SERP, now is the time to find unique, relevant, and niche SEO keywords for your products/services.
Google Loves Original Content
Informative, engaging, and easy-to-read content plays a great role in enhancing Google Search Rankings.
The brands have to act differently when it comes to selling their products/services to the customers. With the major shift in the customer’s behavior now brands/companies will have to focus on their customers.
This include:
- A website that addresses the visitor about your products and services
- Not forcing your visitors by pushing them to register and invest in your brand
- No forceful, irritating pop-ups asking to subscribe
- Last but not the least, in whichever communication you are communicating with your customers either website, social media post or other way make sure that the content is addressing their needs and expectations. Do not emphasize selling your stuff but, give importance to their woes and how your product is built around to cut down their miseries.
Apart from this, make sure that your content is:
- Original
- Developed towards the targeted audience
- Structured well in terms of designing content that has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Furthermore, it should properly be tagged, bulleting points, FAQs, hyper-linking, as well as optimizing the images
Videos Are Going To Take Important Place
- 87% of the marketers reported increased traffic after placing videos on their website
- 84% confessed that videos convinced them to buy
- 92% of the webmasters considered videos to be an integral part of their marketing strategies
The benefits of including videos are endless. Consumers prefer watching videos over reading content. Thus, the prominence of video marketing has increased. And it is going to stay. Therefore, this is a perfect opportunity to tap into the potentials to improve search visibility on Google.
Following are the tips to Optimize Video For Search
- Put short videos of your clients’ testimonials
- Celebrations and events of your office, interactions with employees, conferences, and achievements by tagging with SEO trends
- Have your YouTube Channel with appropriate content describing your video
- Social share your videos for more reach and online visibility
- Optimizing your video content for YouTube SEO in 2021
Mobile Friendliness Is To Become Vital
73% of the users access the Internet via smartphones. The number is going to double or maybe more by 2025. Thus, check your website’s mobile responsiveness ensuring it is compatible on hand-handled devices.
Make sure that your web page is user-friendly. This means it should automatically adapt to the screen size of the user is viewing. This way Google will crawl your URLs to make sure that the content is readable.
Furthermore, you can analyze the “Mobile Usability” report from Google Search Console for detailed insights.
Here are the best practices to improve your Google Rankings:
- Improving your site loading time
- Integrate with responsive design
- Focusing on the user-experience
- Easy to locate “Call To Action”
- Thumb friendly design
- Be careful about the pop-ups
- Optimizing content for local
- Easy to use the navigation
- Optimizing meta tags and descriptions
Voice Search Is IN
The trend of Voice Search has picked up the pace. It is one of the most SEO trends practices to enhance web traffic. It enables customers to buy products/services from the site using VOICE SEARCH services.
Furthermore, it aids customers that are looking for something specific. For instance, a user visits a website selling footwear. He/she is looking for a particular shoe size of a brand that is showing “Out of Stock”. Now, these Voice Search technology will use consumer behavior and showcase the same shoe size in other brands.
The idea is to provide personalized behavior.
Go For Alternate Communication Channels
Email marketing is still effective communication that brings potential leads. However, to spread out and expand, the brands need to have more than one communication channel with the consumers.
Leverage the power of the different social media platforms to reach a larger audience. For instance, Chatbots makes a great communication channel prompting your customers to the respective pages. This way it not only enhances your page visibility but, you get to know what your customers are looking for thus providing them by improving your content strategies.
Additionally, have your presence on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter or the social media platform you feel can do justice to your products and services.
Long Format Content Improves SERPs
2000+ words content get 3X more traffic and 4X likes and shares compared with lesser words. The long format content achieves more backlinks.
Thus, focus on long-term content to achieve higher rankings of Google. The content aims to provide valuable information, answering user’s queries, that keep them engage. Thus, increasing web traffic response.
Have a well-structured content format that includes – introduction, body, and conclusion. Has it structured with necessary heading tags, sub-headings, bulleting points, FAQs, and probably video to go with?
Make sure the keywords you are linking is on a relevant page with a solid authoritative score.
Additionally, make sure that the content is easy to share with a quick click.
Image Optimization Plays A Vital Role
Visual can easily catch viewers’ attention.
With time, images have evolved. Today, it has become a prominent reason people are buying products. Google is insisting on optimizing images.
The reason is Google can figure out the image easily when it is optimized than reading a content. Thus, customizing and labeling the images help crawlers to locate the images helping rank ahead of their competitors.
When you are adding images to your site, make sure that you have tagged them accordingly, making them easier to crawl.
Local Search Listing
The fact that we forget is people use Google to find local services. Whether it is about searching for a good Mexican restaurant, a spa, grocery delivery services from the nearby store, book tickets, and so on. LOCAL SEO plays a huge role in bringing up your Google Search Rankings.
Thus, to make sure that your customers find you, start creating Google My Business Page that is linked to your website or the page where you can gather the leads.
Automation Is Changing How People Interact
RankBrain Google’s AI algorithm that was unveiled a few years back plays a vital role. It has the potentials of impacting Google Ranking as well as SERPs results.
However, the real deal is how to optimize for RankBrain? Well, there is not much information out there on Google. There is no info out there. However, SEO experts believe that it emphasizes user experience. This include time spend on the website, back-links, click-through rates, bounce rates, and content that people finding it interesting to read.
Data and Analytics Will Be The Priority
Gathering data on your users lets you understand their behavior. Their spending patterns, their choices, preferences, with all the minute details of how and what time and on what products/services they are spending.
Thus, it helps in designing your marketing campaigns accordingly. These data analytics gets down to the details that include:
- URLs getting crawled
- Identifying the referral sources
- Page loading time
- Indexing
- Bounce rates
- Redirects
- Response errors
- Traffic sources
To capture these data analytics take the help of SEO Tool.
There are several SEO Toolkits available to help you gather every detail. This includes Search rankings, On-page SEO, Technical SEO, Competitive research, Link Building, and more.
Implementing SEO tools and practicing with them will keep you improving your online presence.
In Conclusion
We have written this blog post covering Top SEO Trends 2021. Thus, it helps to align your the best SEO practices and strategies.
This is going to be a rat race. Staying on the top of the game will require you to continuously hone your SEO Marketing Skills.
As mentioned in the blog, having the right set of SEO-rich keywords, writing engaging content that is systematically structured can further you towards better results.
Listening to your audience and discovering their problems and offering the resolution through drafting the content around can help increase your brand value.
In the end, everything boils down to one thing – providing value to your customers. Because, the value will build trust, which will result in more social sharing. Thus, more attention will boost your Google Search Rankings.
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