How To Develop A Perfect SEO Strategy For Ecommerce Store

eCommerce platforms

There are over 20 million eCommerce stores in the market today. Reports suggest that in the next two decades, over 90% of purchases will be made from online stores. Imagine how many more eCommerce stores there would be.

Having said that, not every eCom store strikes the right chord with consumers. 

Owing to frequent algorithm tweaks, new updates in search engine features, and contradictory suggestions from people, many e-tailers have difficulty devising a perfect SEO strategy for their eCommerce stores. 

Do you know what is the key to ruling the eCommerce market? 

If not, read on to know. 

SEO Strategies to Boost Traffic on your eCommerce Store

Indian eCommerce brands like Pepperfry, TheHomeOffice, Wakefit are some of the great examples that leverage SEO to grow their business.

Your e-store should secure a spot at the top positions in SERPs to reach the maximum audience. If it doesn’t it’s time to get moving because SEO is the factor that determines the success of your site. Here’s how you can effectively strategize your site’s SEO.

1. Fast Load Time

Fast loading time significantly influences search rankings; 100 to 200 milliseconds is the most preferred loading time. 

There are a few things you should be following to improve the loading time of your website.

  • Image compression is an effective technique that works instantly in reducing load time. 
  • Make use of Google Tag Manager or other SEO tools to make a list of active scripts on your site. If the list is too long, you need to remove unwanted scripts that are eating up your site’s loading time. 

2. Use the Most Relevant and Optimized Keywords

Keywords are the deciding factor for eCommerce SEO, so use them wisely on your platform. Leverage keywords that are highly impactful and relevant to your products.

Before identifying apt keywords for a product or category, always scrutinize its cost per click, search volume, user intent, and other factors. 

It is always recommended to use long-tail keywords as they often to sync with user intent and enhance the conversion rate. 

For instance, if your site offers kids’ clothing, use keywords like “pink cotton baby soft t-shirts and dresses” instead of something like generic “baby clothes.” 

A host of keyword research tools like Keyworddit, SEMrush, and Soovle are available to help you find apt keywords for your site. 

3. Make Your Site Mobile Compatible

Mobile optimization of a site is very important to have a search advantage. Evolving user requirements and habits make responsive designs a must for an effective SEO and user experience. 

You can use Google’s AMP format to take your site’s mobile performance a notch higher. It reduces the site’s loading time and improves the mobile searching rank. 

There are a lot of other tools to help you configure your site’s viewpoints and check if your site offers a good mobile response. Check out Google Analytics and Viewpoint; they should help!

4. Pay Attention to On-page SEO

On-page SEO pretty much determines the rank of a website on the search engine results page. On-page SEO of an eCommerce site typically refers to the process of optimizing the category and product pages. It helps secure higher ranks for relevant keywords and secure better traffic and conversion rates. 

Although procedures for on-page SEO for eCommerce websites are similar to other websites, some additional techniques should be deployed.

Here are a few essential on-page SEO techniques for eCommerce websites:

  • Employ optimized descriptions and meta titles.
  • Engage crisp and keyword-filled URLs.
  • Include main & LSI keywords and product descriptions.
  • Include Schema Markup
  • Pay attention to internal linking

5. Have Unique Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are the most overlooked aspect of eCommerce SEO. This negligence can be due to the presence of many products in the same categories, which makes it challenging to create unique descriptions for each product.

Having a common description for all products leads to content duplicity that adversely affects the product ranking, conversion rates, and website traffic. 

All the above factors make it indispensable to have appealing and unique descriptions for each product.

Here are some tips on how to create an impactful product description: 

  • Create product descriptions for not less than 1000 words.
  • Use relevant keywords in the description multiple times
  • Season the description with LSI keywords. Make sure to not stuff them randomly in the content.
  • Add magnetic modifiers like Buy, sale, 60% off, free shipping, and other click baits.

Avoid copying descriptions from other sites. Doing so will not only affect the SERP ranking but also degrade the customers’ trust. Plus, it’s not acceptable behaviour in Google’s eyes. 

Rope in customers to your website by asking them to share their product reviews and experience. 

6. Never Compromise on Website Security

As eCommerce platforms deal with millions of customer transactions and data, website security is of paramount importance. Given the increasing frequency of cyber-attacks on eCommerce platforms in the form of leaking financial information, hacking user accounts, etc., users prefer websites that offer credibility wrt security.

Also, search engines scrutinize your website’s security level while ranking it on SERPs. 

So, make sure your eCommerce site has an HTTP and SSL certification to protect sensitive data. You can ask your users to change their passwords frequently to minimize hacking risks. 

Wrapping Up

SEO cannot be mastered in one shot. It requires consistent efforts on your part and strong business strategy to maximize your eCommerce store’s visibility. 

Know that the requirements of SEO algorithms keep changing as search engines update their technology frequently.

So, stay updated with the new algorithms, technologies, and SEO metrics to keep your store optimized for success. Keep revisiting the core aspects of your SEO strategy to rule the eCommerce market!