February 15, 2025

How to Increase Views on Instagram Stories?

instagram followers

Would you like to learn how to increase views on Instagram stories?

Executing active methodologies for this to happen increases the relevance of your profile and, consequently, the interaction as well.

In addition, it is a great alternative for companies that want to sell more and advertise their services. 

So, keep reading with us to find out what tips we’ve prepared to help you optimize your social media profile quickly, practically and objectively.

All our tips are completely free and with the sole purpose of helping you to evolve. Also, by applying these tips you can increase the number of your Instagram Followers.

Daily Polls

A tip is to carry out daily polls. To do this, find out what times of day your profile has the highest engagements (usually it is early in the morning). To do this, create a monthly schedule with the main topics you should cover in your status.

Define the days for each publication and already think about the questions so that they are ready in advance and there are no delays. 

For creating the questions, you must use creativity. 

An example is a cake making factory. She can publish daily polls with questions about customers’ favorite cakes, flavors they like best. And do you know what that brings in return? The target audience analysis.

In addition to the company generating engagement, it is able to find out exactly which products customers like the most and focus more on them in production and improvement. And, consequently, it starts to make a greater number of sales. Who ever thought that stories could be so positive for a brand?

Sharing Interesting videos

Another way to get more views in Instagram stories is to create engaging and attention-grabbing videos.

The first impression is what remains, who has never heard about it? 

If a follower enters your stories and doesn’t like it because it’s boring or has a bad quality, he’ll probably jump when the next ones come. 

If he likes your content for sure he will share it with someone and you will start gaining followers on Instagram every day.

And what to do to solve this? The first tip to solve this is to invest in a good camera (as Instagram is increasingly visual) and also editing of videos and images to control the saturation and the contrast thereof. Therefore, you can create an even more attractive publication with vibrant colors. 

Canva: can be downloaded from the Play Store and has a series of ready-made layouts for those who want to make informative posts. 

Picsart: Also available on the Play Store but is most recommended for those who want to do their own editing of a photo that was taken with a professional camera or mobile phone. With it, you can erase backgrounds, make cutouts, correct contrasts and much more. 

The other tip is to invest in games and games for Instagram. Keeping your audience informed and well engaged can be decisive for the success of your profile and/or disclosure with a sponsor.

The Key to Increasing Views in Instagram Stories

Nobody likes people who post hundreds of stories to say something that could be said in one or two. So, take into account the primary factor which is objectivity. Speak with focus and only about the information you want to convey. Don’t stall by talking about other subjects that are irrelevant to your audience. 

Generally, when it is information about days that the brand must remain closed, internal problems, all of this must be passed on in a matter of 15 or 20 seconds. Say at the end that those who want more information can get in touch and use that as a CTA to chat with your persona through chat, for example. 

Sound Quality

A study conducted by SuperViral revealed that Sound quality also influences how your followers interact with your stories. If it’s really bad or can’t understand anything, most likely followers tend to skip video. 

Make the sound treatment through applications on your computer or notebook. In them, it is possible to remove all unpleasant noise to further optimize your customer’s experience. 

In short, we have to highlight an important point in this regard that Instagram users do not always understand: your customer’s experience is not only in the way they browse your company’s website or brand, but also in the quality of the images and videos that are published on social networks, including stories.