How To Increase Brand Awareness on Instagram 


If you’re in hurry to spread the word about your fantastic brand on Instagram, you’re in luck. We’ve got some super easy tips to help you do just that. Just simple steps to give your brand a boost on everyone’s favourite photo-sharing app. 

Instagram is a very popular platform nowadays for building brand awareness, and with a few straightforward strategies, you can make a significant impact. Our goal is to make this process easy and accessible, so you don’t need a marketing degree to get started. Whether you’re a small business, an aspiring influencer, or just someone passionate about their brand, these tips are tailored for you. 

So, get up and get ready to increase your brand presence on Instagram. From creating an amazing profile to engaging with your followers and using hashtags effectively, we will guide you through the essentials. No complicated tips just practical advice to help your brand shine in the world of Instagram. Let’s dive in and make your brand stand out. 

1. Make Your Profile Cool 

Your Instagram profile is like your brand’s home. Make it look inviting! Use a nice logo as your profile picture and write a short, cool bio that tells people what your brand is all about. 

2. Keep Things Consistent 

Be consistent with your brand’s look. Use the same colours, filters, and themes in your posts. This makes your brand easy to spot and remember. 

3. Share Fun Stuff 

Instagram is all about cool pictures and videos. Share stuff that tells your brand story. Show what happens behind the scenes, introduce your team, and make your brand feel real and relatable. 

4. Try Instagram Stories 

Stories are like mini movies on top of your Instagram feed. Share fun, quick updates, and ask your followers questions. It’s a great way to connect with them in real-time. 

5. Talk to Your Followers 

Build a community around your brand. Reply to comments, messages, and like your followers’ posts. Let people know there’s a real person behind your brand. 

6. Team Up with Cool People 

Collaborate with influencers in your field. Find people who love your kind of stuff and ask them to talk about your brand. It’s like getting a cool friend to tell others about you. 

7. Use Hashtags Smartly 

Hashtags are like little signs that help people find your posts. Use popular ones related to your brand and create your own unique hashtag to encourage people to share their stuff with you. 

8. Give Away Free Stuff 

Everybody loves freebies! Run contests or giveaways. Ask people to follow you, share your posts, or tag friends. It’s a fun way to get more eyes on your brand. 

9. Post Regularly 

Keep your brand on people’s minds by posting regularly. Check when your followers are most active and post at those times. 

10. See What’s Working 

Check out Instagram Insights to see how your posts are doing. Look at things like how many people saw your posts and how many liked or commented. Use this info to make your posts even better. 

11. Become Brand ambassador 

Yes, you can become brand ambassador for new brands on Instagram easily with as little as 10000 Instagram followers. Once you have 10,000 followers on Instagram you will get more collaboration opportunities, you can use a social media marketing company to purchase followers. 

So, there you have it! No need for fancy strategies – just have fun, be yourself, and let your brand shine on Instagram!