It is important for us to say that graphic design, this late specialty, is rapidly evolving, related to all areas of life and activities; this unique, comprehensive technical specialty because of the connection with a piece of information and technology, we know it its many names in addition to graphic design, as it is an information design and media design. All these names refer to the extent of its development as an independent science, with the task of finding solutions to problems in the field of presentation, promotion, or communication.
It is the language of time that is not stationary or static but evolves and keeps pace with the changes of time, and therefore we find that graphic design needs a qualified and evolving painting that can handle modern life. Requirements in a language with a short, simple, and direct message, we also recognize the connection between graphic design and writing, printing and publishing, and it is an innovative work that combines word and form using art and technology as a communication medium begins with a message that is developed to become a visual communication medium beyond words and overcomes it with the control of color, letter, image and ideas through the imagination of the designer and the production of means by which you can convey the desired message to the crowd.
Therefore, the importance arose of playing an important role in modern life and being a critical factor in the promotion, the mass media, and other means to quickly convey a piece of information to the community that is dominated by a velocity exceeding the velocity. From the light, it, therefore, becomes fast.
To change because of their relationship with the community. We are faced with the fact that the origin of graphic design and its developmental stages originate. By reading its history, we were able to learn about the stages it went through, by developing their tools and techniques, as well as knowing the means that developed and multiplied after the first poster and book. Furthermore, we know the factors that made it an independent science, in addition to its influence through late artistic tendencies.
I talked about the connection between graphic design and special techniques that are limited to print media and the visual impact of multiple phenomena developed through the development of modern technology, and therefore the graphic design is transformed into an informed science with a concept that is constantly evolving.
It reflects the limits of the classical concept of graphic design and the development in what is called a gap, highlighting the need to evaluate the individual skills and characteristics of paintings in this field, in addition to the classical concept of the term. Graphic design is fictional and imaginative, although it organizes theoretical or imaginative factors to produce it using different techniques adapted to the production mechanism so that production can be one of the means in graphic design.
The close connection between graphic design and printing cannot be ignored; therefore, I prefer to clear up a misunderstanding that confuses graphic design with graphic art and the role of each of them. Based on this definition, we were able to clarify the role of the graphic designer who uses design factors in an idea and work out a special design for each medium, depending on its purpose, i.e., what printing style will be used, taking into account of the Printing’s success depends first of all on the designer.
All this begs the question: is the philosophy of graphic design, through imagination and fiction, capable of effectively meeting the challenges of the information age? The answer is certainly determined by the fact that a designer had to absorb the product of her time in an efficient way with respect to the information and develop her fictitious impression of the information in order to produce it in a suitable form.
Of course, the availability of the computer makes many programs available that serve graphic design at all levels, in addition to internet innovation. The computer has greatly helped to develop the skills of designers, as well as to introduce the feature of speed performance through a group of special solutions for images, letters, shapes, and colors.
In addition to diversifying them to cope with the speed of their development and not to forget the requirements and development of the market. The academic process must depend on the time requirements determined by the continuous development of technology and time requirements.
Therefore, the objectives of innovative work, together with the competence and qualification of the designer, are the basis on which the planning strategy depends on developing study plans that motivate and activate creative thinking and can relate it to information technologies through the different levels of human knowledge to support and scientific programs that support the principle of how to understand and apply the graphic design program in an integral way to protect it from short-term programming, and rely in this regard on the material cognitive theory of the designer, language, how to talk, and their ability to know how to handle time changes, technology. Formation and training for the future in terms of the stages of human knowledge development developed curricula, and programs that are subject to continuous development.
Thus, the nature of the work of the graphic designer differs from other professions, not only because it is the most innovative field not only because of the approach of handling a piece of information and visual communication media but also because of the different standards that the work and what follows a specialty. Innovation and an advanced approach to achieving the goals of this pioneering work, as well as the competence and qualification of the designer. The graphic designer is not only an artist but also a technician who can use the available programs and techniques to fulfill the task entrusted to her. As a result, you are a designer who, through your imagination, reaches the crowd, promotes your imagination, reaches the crowd, promotes and presents through effective implementation with little technical hype to be able to perform work successfully.
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