For many, it was a habit, but with the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, many businesses had to face the challenges of transitioning to work from home. Virtual work, even the word in itself brings with it a number of questions like what, why, and how, then implementing this to protect your existence in the competitive business world, is really hard for SMEs.
Initially, the employees felt completely out of sync, isolated, and distracted, and this somewhere has affected their productivity as well. This raised concerns regarding managing remote work and employees.
Employees being out of sight started taking advantage and this leads to the misuse of remote work. Therefore, to keep remote teams’ minds on track, companies find the idea of deploying remote employee monitoring software a worthwhile investment.
It is believed that without in-person interactions, it is hard to tackle remote staff and make them deliver the expected work & quality. But, with the implementation of automated remote employee managing tools, the problem has been resolved to a great extent.
Yes, without any doubt, in today’s new-age it is worth deploying the feature-rich work from homework monitoring software for a number of reasons, as discussed:
- Succeed from Anywhere: With a unique concept of empowering employees to prove their worth to their managers, the remote team software brings in an easy to stay focused, productive, and loyal despite the location barriers. The software is integrated with the latest functionalities and modules to help teams endure the crisis and keep business operations and work run smoothly. The right remote monitoring tool in place can revolutionize remote work for now and years to come.
- Certainty Relations: Be it personal or professional life, it’s important to have crystal clear relations. Above all, in remote working, employer employee’s relations play a crucial role in uplifting the business bottom line and employee’s productivity. The automated remote work monitoring helps collaborate in real-time with teams despite time zone differences. The two-way communication via automated video/voice and messaging tool keep users on both ends updated.
- Extensive Database & Analysis: Remote employee monitoring tools integrate the database management system to provide a centralized hub to entire staff and managers to access data. The cloud-based secure storage system facilitates top-notch security, 24/7 access, reduced costs, and more benefits. Furthermore, the detailed progress reports define the employee’s productivity dynamics and provide productivity records on a single screen.
- Necessity Than Flexibility: Undoubtedly, remote employee monitoring software offers employees the flexibility to work from their comfort location, however, the growing needs of monitoring employees have made it a necessity for employers to deploy powerful employee and time tracking tools. Besides, flexible environment, the software provides a disciplined and straightforward approach to maximize remote staff’s availability, performance, and productivity.
- Lower Costs: In the case of remote working, the organizations save a lot of money on rent, utilities, security systems, maintenance, etc. The automated remote employee monitoring tools save money and help employees work remotely without bearing any commuting expense. The software tracks work and time automatically to improve efficiency without any hidden cost.
Especially in remote work, healthy collaboration among employees is a must to bridge the gap and ensure the projects are carried out effectively. In remote team tracking, the employees simply start the tracker as their shift start. Once the tracker is on, the software is designed to work both online and offline.
Besides recording employee check-ins and work hours, the remote work monitoring tool captures screens with the URLs and tabs opened, calculates total mouse clicks and keystrokes a day. This real-time data provides great support to managers to check the productivity levels of the employees.
So, to help employees stay energetic and concentrated on work, get the best and user-friendly remote team monitoring software that is worth buying.
Bottom Line
The surging growth in remote team monitoring has increased the adoption of the software. Like every coin, remote work also has some pros and cons. To eliminate the cons and deliver the best remote work and employee tracking experience, the software includes state-of-the-art software features.
The rapidly growing remote working trends are giving birth to the newest & hi-tech remote monitoring tools every day.
The competition is getting fierce and how employees are performing is essential to keep a check and ensure that your business growth is not at risk. Talygen is one of the best employee monitoring tools that ensure to build positive and productive work environment on-premises and off-site. Talygen helps in perfecting remote team management for your business. The software is popularly in demand for creating professional and error-free remote work culture.
You can get a free online demo of Talygen, simply by visiting https://talygen.com/freetrial/.
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