January 23, 2025

Key Strategies To Acquire The First 100,000 Users With Zero Marketing Budget?

unique marketing tactics

Have you just launched your business? It’s all right if you feel a little overwhelmed with too much work and too little time. After all, you do not have a huge team at your disposal. And naturally, after paying all the overhead costs involved in launching a new business, you are not keen on spending a lot of money on marketing immediately.

At the same time, since it’s a new business, you would want to invest the minimum and hope for the maximum probable outcome. Also, at this point in your entrepreneurial journey, you don’t know whether your business will survive in the long run, but you sure want to build in a way that it lasts. 

The best thing you can do at this point is experiment with different strategies to figure out what’s working and what’s not working for your brand. Moreover, you need to acquire several customers quickly to survive the market for the first few years at least. Thus, we decided to compile a list of key strategies to help you acquire your first 100k users, and that too for free! 

1)Referral Marketing

One of the best things that you can do is start a referral program and then build it up. You can always combine loyalty programs with referral ones to provide your customers with some incentive so that they can get back to your site. For instance, Dropbox did something similar, and it worked for so many years. 

Dropbox provided new joiners and the ones referring those joiners with some free storage space which acted as a great incentive. Then there was Jet.com, who did something equally solid. They started offering their business shares to customers. These unique marketing tactics worked so well for these businesses that referral marketing has reached an all-time high. 

Best Part: The best part about opting for referral marketing is it is cost-effective, and you can use referral marketing always since it’s not at all time-specific. 


Yes, there are hardly any businesses left that do not have a dedicated blogging section. But, if you think, what’s the point of doing it when everyone else is doing it, you are going in the wrong direction. This is because just blogging won’t do your business any good. However, you must publish blogs consistently. 

Your blogs must be comprehensive guides in your niche – without becoming an industry expert through your blogs, there are no chances of getting new users. Blog about why your product is excellent, what is unique, and how it can benefit users. If possible, track down a few bloggers from your niche and work out a few guest posting deals.

Best Part: The only way to reduce the operating cost of your business is opting for organic marketing strategies like blogging. Remember to be consistent with posting, and don‘t forget to adopt a descriptive, detailed approach to blogging. 

3)Create Exclusivity And Urgency

When you create a smart campaign based on the two pillars of exclusivity and urgency, it is a complete win-win for your business and acquiring 100k users within a matter of a few months. When you create urgency, impatient human beings are unable to resist. For example, you could introduce ‘a limited period offer’ valid for only 24 hours for boosting signups. 

Moreover, you can easily combine this urgency with exclusivity. Instead of giving the ‘limited offer’ to everyone, send it to people who have been coming to your site and abandoning it without signing up as a user. This is one way to go about it, but there are several other ways t0o incorporate these in your strategy. 

Best Part: The best part about this strategy is you do not need to spend a single penny except the overhead costs of sending exclusive invites to people. At the same time, this can be done every single time you are looking for new users, and it will work every time. 

4)Excellent Customer Service

Yes, you have launched a brand new digital product and have become desperate for acquiring new users. But those ads about the fantastic features of your new product will do you no good. Instead, actual reviews from customers and excellent customer service will do your business a whole lot of good. 

There is no way to anticipate all the possible bugs that might crop up on your site. As long as you keep responding to your users, there won’t be many complaints about those bugs. So people hate poor customer support that they simply abandon the product after failing to connect with customer support. 

Best Part: Customer support is nothing but basic human decency. If you don’t have the budget to hire a customer support team, scale your small business with a chatbot on your site. That way, you can stay connected to your customers even at odd hours of the day from any corner of the world.

5)Be A Part Of The Conversation

The web today is filled with information. When you search for your industry, you will find several content items on topics you engage with in relation to your business. Go out there and join the conversations that are going on. You can start small with comments under relevant posts and the like. 

Once you get the hang of it, it’s time to start conversations instead of joining them. Again, make sure you start small and progress slowly. You need to be active on blogs and forums in your industry. On top of that, this is a cost-effective method that will help you cut your business marketing costs as well. 


Now that you know the top five strategies that will help you acquire your first 100k users, what are you waiting for? All you need to do is some amounts of substantial research, make some much-needed changes that will cost you no money, and a quick implementation process. Of course, you will be responsible for most of the work in the absence of teams. Read Also: Online Health Media  & Tech Trends Pro.

When you start this, you know that you have to undertake the first few parts of the journey alone. Then hustle a little today, and reach new milestones soon!