8 Excellent Tips to Start Writing Blogs (Beginners Guide)

Tips to Start Writing Blogs

Anyone can start writing a blog and make money online. Well, some people make quite enough money that makes them quit their current job. Unbelievable, right? You can also start blogs and earn more money through it. All you have to do is start reading this article to learn expert tips.

No matter who you are, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned writer. This article will help you the most. So, are you ready to dive in and learn the best strategies? Keep in mind that it takes several trials and errors to become a successful blogger. Just jump down and start reading!

8 Excellent Tips to Start Writing Blogs

In the following sections, you will discover the best journey to becoming a successful blog. Here are the expert tips to start writing blogs.

#1 Choose your Niche

First things first, you must choose a suitable niche for your blog. A niche is nothing but a specific topic that you need to focus on while writing blog posts. Also, it is very important to understand your target audience. Only a strong niche can get your blog to a larger audience.

When you start writing a blog, it might tempt you to cover many topics. However, you must think wisely and choose the best niche for you. Also, pick a niche you are more passionate about.

#2 Create a Blog Name

The next step in becoming a blogger is to create a relatable and creative name for your blog. Along with that, you have to get a domain with that name. Ensure your blog name is unique and catchy to reach more people. Also, choosing a name that is relevant and brandable to your industry is better.

Here are some tips to create an excellent blog name.

  • Firstly, make it relatable to your niche. Some readers will know your niche just by reading your blog topic. Also, you can include the main keywords in your blog title.
  • Maintain the character limit. Use CheckWordCounter to find the number of characters and words in your blog title.
  • Use words that are easy to remember and spell. In addition, you can avoid using special characters in your blog title.

#3 Get a Domain

Now you have created a name for your blog, you must get your blog online. So, you must get a domain to publish your blog. There are numerous web hosting companies online to help you out.

Well, a web host is a source that makes your website articles safe and secure. So, consider web hosting as your home. Whenever a person reads your blog by visiting the site, you will notice them.

#4 Organize & Customize your Website

As you may know, every platform suits several preferences and needs. So, you must make your website adapt to all kinds of similarities. So, to attain that, you must organize and customize your website accordingly.

You can choose a web host and install the content management system. You can customize your website’s appearance and include suitable plugins. Remember, using more plugins on your website will slow down your blog. So, ensure you have the correct number of plugins.

#5 Make Necessary Pages

Once you have created a website to publish your blog, you have to enhance the pages in your website. A website must contain several pages. However, if you are writing blogs in different niches, you must focus on creating other pages on the website.

For example, including the home, about, and contact pages. You can include a Write for Us page and give guidelines for writing blogs on your website. In that case, you can use the free word counter online tool to count the number of words you have written in your blog post.

#7 Write Your Blog

You can start writing your first blog post with the above important tips. Make sure you are clear and avoid writing lengthy paragraphs in your blog. Some people will feel intimidated while reading large paragraphs. 

Include captivating headings, subheadings, and lists to make it more presentable. You can also include graphics and images to make your blog more visually appealing. Keep an eye on SEO-optimized content to drive more traffic to your blog.

#8 Publish the Blog

After understanding and practicing these tips, you can publish your first blog post on your website. Last but not least, you can leverage the free word count checker to check the total number of words you have written in your blog post.

Along with these, check the grammar and spelling mistakes before publishing your blog. Additionally, proofread the blog content thoroughly and make final corrections. Double-check all the embedded links are working correctly.

Final Thoughts

Taking blog writing as your career takes lots of courage and effort. With these above-mentioned tips, you can start writing excellent blogs and publish them on your websites. Hope this article helped you the best. Use these amazing tips as the best steps to become a successful blogger.